For a the most complete list of his writings, refer to Brittain’s biographical study – noted below (pp.159-166). Included is “a selection from his contributions to periodical lite-rature”.
It should be noted that the dates given refer to British publication, although many of his books were first published in the USA.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur T. Memories and Opinions: An Unfinished Autobiography: [1944] Cambridge U.P.
Brittain, F. Arthur Quiller-Couch: A biographical study of Q: (1947) Cambridge U.P. ( with full comprehensive bibliography)
Rowse, A.L.Quiller Couch: A Portrait of Q: (1988) Methuen.
Literary Criticism:
1896: Adventures in Criticism
1906: From a Cornish Window
1914: Poetry
1916: On the Art of Writing
1918: Shakespeare’s Workmanship
1918: 1922: 1929: Studies in Literature – three volumes 1920: On the Art of Reading
1925: Charles Dickens and Other Victorians
1926: The Age of Chaucer
1927: A Lecture on Lectures
1895: The Golden Pomp
1897: English Sonnets
1900: The Oxford Book of English Verse (1250 – 1900 )
1906: The Pilgrim’s Way
1910: The Oxford Book of Ballads
1912: The Oxfod Book of Victorian Verse
1925: The Oxford Book of English Prose
1930 est.: Some Oxford Anthologies for Schools: pages of English Prose, 1390-1930.
1935: English Sonnets (new & enlarged)
1939: The Oxford Book of English Verse (1250 – 1918 )
Brittain, F. [ed.]: Q Anthology: A selection from the prose and verse of Q. (1948) Dent
1893:1930: Green Bays
1896:1929: Poems and Ballads
1912: 1929: The Vigil of Venus and Other Poems