Future Research 4


Views on Qis the draft title of an eclectic collection of resources now prepared for publication.  The selected passages cover a wide range of topics which were written at different times over the last 120 years, providing many interesting viewpoints –  on Q as a person, tutor, writer, anthologist and critic.

Some consider Q’s continued influence on English literature, both through his fiction and such books as ‘The Art of Writing’, while others examine his involvement in a wide range of aspects of life in Cornwall and how he saw its future development  – for example, in education and tourism.

A new ‘Q Reader containing a selection of his works – both novels and short stories –  is also being planned.  This book is aimed at introducing the works of Q to the general reading public.

Update: The newly added section to this website will be amended regularly to keep  readers informed of current developments.

A Q Literary Society is seen as an idea for the future.

As an interim measure, any enquiries should be addressed to Gerry Hones;
Email: gerry.hones@zen.co.uk
or by sending a SAE to Dr. Gerry Hones, 3 Manor Park, Weston, Bath, BA1 3RH, UK.